Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged goals
Asking for Help Goes A Long Way to Achieving Your Goals: Final Part of 5 Myths that are Killing Your Productivity

Are you always trying to get everything done by yourself? Often perfectionists and high achievers try to accomplish everything on their own and have a hard time managing their time and energy on their important goals. Imagine if you learned how to enlist help and get accountability from others around you so you could make it much further on your goals? I conclude the five week series on the myths that are killing your productivity by discussing the power of accountability and enlisting support from your environment. Read more about how asking for help can set you up for success.

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Stop Giving Up On Your Goal So Soon: Part 2 of 5 Myths that are Killing Your Productivity Series

Do you struggle to set and be consistent with your goals and new habits? Every new year you think of creating healthy habits but you give up after the first sign of failure or struggle. I write about the mistake you're making that is setting you up to give up too soon. Read how you can break down goals to take real action steps and achieve your goals. New Year, New You!

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Introducing the Five Myths You’re Believing that are Killing your Productivity: A 5-Part Series

Need help setting and actually keeping your New Years Resolutions? Have you found it hard to stay on track with your goals and be productive? Introducing a five-part series (over 5 weeks) where I write about top myths of productivity that are killing your goals. First week: Multitasking is a lie! Read to learn more.

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