Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged relationships
How Coronavirus Has Changed My Work and Personal Life: A Therapist's Account

In today’s post, I share my more personal account of how coronavirus has changed my work and personal life as a therapist in NYC. Above all else, I share how much I have valued my connections with my clients, my friends, family, and larger community. This is what has helped me cope with my own anxieties related to COVID-19. During this scary time, I think it is important that we share with one another the challenges as well as the thing we are grateful for and are learning from this experience. Read more here and learn how to get support through teletherapy or virtual therapy services to help with improve your mental health.

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How to stay connected during a time of social distancing and isolation

During a time where social distancing and many limitations on our day-to-day activities are being imposed for public safety, it is all the more important to find ways to remain connected with others. Being isolated and lonely can hurt your mental, physical and emotional health. Good news is you can find ways to connect with people even if you’re not physically in the same space. I write about ideas to engage in activities with colleagues, friends, and family, and I list some personal suggestions for things to do in your own time (alone or with others).

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Asking for Help Goes A Long Way to Achieving Your Goals: Final Part of 5 Myths that are Killing Your Productivity

Are you always trying to get everything done by yourself? Often perfectionists and high achievers try to accomplish everything on their own and have a hard time managing their time and energy on their important goals. Imagine if you learned how to enlist help and get accountability from others around you so you could make it much further on your goals? I conclude the five week series on the myths that are killing your productivity by discussing the power of accountability and enlisting support from your environment. Read more about how asking for help can set you up for success.

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Learn How To Say No and Start Saying Yes to the Right Things: Part 3 of 5 Myths that are Killing Your Productivity

Do you struggle to say no? Has people-pleasing left you feeling overwhelmed? It can be really hard to make progress on your most important goals and priorities when you’re feeling pulled in multiple directions. By saying yes to everything, you risk saying no to the things that matter most. Read more about why it is important to learn saying no and how you can say no while keeping your close relationships.

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