Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged burnout
How frontline workers and caregivers can cope with stress and burnout

How can frontline workers and caregivers cope with burnout during times of intense stress? The coronavirus pandemic and similar periods of extreme stress force health care professionals, essential workers, and caregivers to work harder under harsh conditions. This is a set up for burnout. Who will help the helpers? This blog post covers tips for the helpers who need help themselves managing with the emotional, mental and physical burden. From mindfulness to taking time to talk to someone, these practical and essential tips are meant to be practiced anytime anywhere.

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What are the signs of burnout? How to know if you are struggling with burnout and how to recover

Burnout is a pervasive, particularly in places like NYC and our fast-paced culture. Stress and burnout are related but not necessarily the same feeling. What exactly is burnout? Learn how to know if you’re experiencing burnout and how to recover from burnout. You must read your body’s signs and learn how to combat chronic stress even if it feels hard to imagine you can feel differently! Read https://www.yyoonphd.com/blog for more about coping with stress and preventing burnout.

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