Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged self-care
What do you do with the mad that you feel?: How to deal with difficult emotions

Is there such a thing as a bad feeling? Do you try and push away difficult emotions but notice they don’t really go away? We all feel a range of emotions but sometimes struggle to let them out and deal with them. In this post, I respond to common myths about emotions, discuss why emotions are important to attend to, and how to tame the more difficult emotions we struggle with. Included are some cameos by Mr. Fred Rogers as he asks the important question: What do you do with the mad that you feel? Learn what to do with all of your feelings. 

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Lessons About Burnout that I Learned By Becoming an Entrepreneur in Psychology Private Practice

We often get messages about peak performance and productivity, and pursuing our passions, but we don’t get the healthy ones that will help us prevent burn out and cope with overwhelming stress and anxiety. Whether you are an entrepreneur or any sort of professional who has experienced burnout, today’s blog article is for you. I share lessons I’ve learned by becoming a psychologist in private practice and how I’ve dealt with the ups and downs of burn out, pressures to perform, and pursuing a career passion. Read more to feel less alone and get encouraged about the normalcy of these challenges.

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How frontline workers and caregivers can cope with stress and burnout

How can frontline workers and caregivers cope with burnout during times of intense stress? The coronavirus pandemic and similar periods of extreme stress force health care professionals, essential workers, and caregivers to work harder under harsh conditions. This is a set up for burnout. Who will help the helpers? This blog post covers tips for the helpers who need help themselves managing with the emotional, mental and physical burden. From mindfulness to taking time to talk to someone, these practical and essential tips are meant to be practiced anytime anywhere.

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How to stay connected during a time of social distancing and isolation

During a time where social distancing and many limitations on our day-to-day activities are being imposed for public safety, it is all the more important to find ways to remain connected with others. Being isolated and lonely can hurt your mental, physical and emotional health. Good news is you can find ways to connect with people even if you’re not physically in the same space. I write about ideas to engage in activities with colleagues, friends, and family, and I list some personal suggestions for things to do in your own time (alone or with others).

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You Need to Work on Relaxing: How to recover from your obsession with productivity

Are you obsessed with constantly having to be productive?

Relaxing and taking down time may not be easy for you because you feel like you should be staying busy. But are you tired of this non-stop mode of work and not being able to enjoy life and relax? Read about my complicated relationship with relaxing and the steps you can take to break old mental habits around being productive. Read here about ways you can learn how to actually chill out.

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