Changing Your Self Talk: Want to see real results? Change how you talk to yourself. We’re often our harshest critic and fall into a trap of negative self-talk. This will leave us unmotivated, with lower self-esteem and fear of trying new things. Switch your self-talk from criticism to self-compassion. In this blog post, I discuss the benefits of positive compassionate self talk and give examples of how to switch your self-talk.
How to Give Yourself the Credit You Deserve for your Career
It’s important to your mental health to give yourself credit for what you have achieved in your career this year. While this year has been a difficult one with job losses, changes and lack of rewarding experiences, it’s still possible to notice the achievements you have acquired. I contributed to an interview for a HuffPost article written about how to give oneself credit for career growth in 2020: How to avoid comparing and despairing over your career right now.
It's Time to Face these Common Mental Health Concerns and Questions
In the last few months since the pandemic has impacted our lives, there have been a surge in mental health questions. As a psychologist and career counselor, I am noticing a theme of important questions about life, career, relationships, and purpose that seems harder to ignore. I elaborate on what these themes are, how I have made sense of why these are emerging at this time, and what you can do about it.
What do you do with the mad that you feel?: How to deal with difficult emotions
Is there such a thing as a bad feeling? Do you try and push away difficult emotions but notice they don’t really go away? We all feel a range of emotions but sometimes struggle to let them out and deal with them. In this post, I respond to common myths about emotions, discuss why emotions are important to attend to, and how to tame the more difficult emotions we struggle with. Included are some cameos by Mr. Fred Rogers as he asks the important question: What do you do with the mad that you feel? Learn what to do with all of your feelings.
How to stop the spiral of comparing yourself to others
How do we stop this natural habit of making social comparisons especially when they hurt our self esteem and confidence? I write about what the role of social comparisons are, how these comparisons are harmful unrealistic traps, and how we can shift the negative spiral into new habits that are more helpful and build self acceptance.