Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged life purpose
Lessons About Burnout that I Learned By Becoming an Entrepreneur in Psychology Private Practice

We often get messages about peak performance and productivity, and pursuing our passions, but we don’t get the healthy ones that will help us prevent burn out and cope with overwhelming stress and anxiety. Whether you are an entrepreneur or any sort of professional who has experienced burnout, today’s blog article is for you. I share lessons I’ve learned by becoming a psychologist in private practice and how I’ve dealt with the ups and downs of burn out, pressures to perform, and pursuing a career passion. Read more to feel less alone and get encouraged about the normalcy of these challenges.

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How to get out of a rut when you're bored with your life

Have you ever felt complacent and bored with your life? Have you felt more disengaged with your life lately? When you’re not feeling so excited or enthusiastic about your day to day routine, your job, or maybe your relationships, then it’s hard to feel motivated or happy. Wouldn’t you feel a lot better if you had a sense of “this is why I am doing what I’m doing” in your life? Read today’s blog to discover what is one thing you can do today to make your life more meaningful and purposeful and stop feeling so stuck in a rut.

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