Dr. Yesel Yoon, NYC Psychologist


Writing about perfectionism, burnout, and reaching your career goals

Posts tagged perfectionism
When is “enough” enough?: How to recalibrate your internal compass of success

When is “enough” enough? Adjusting unrealistically high standards.

Do you struggle with feeling like you are not good enough? Perfectionists and people with unrealistically high standards can often get stuck in a trap of never feeling like what they do is enough. This can have bad consequences for our mental health and well being. You can recalibrate your internal compass of success so you have more realistic and flexible standards that still allow you to be your best while also feeling much more confident. Read today’s post to learn how to readjust your internal compass of success and believe: You are Enough.

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A therapist’s journey with perfectionism teaches you a lesson on self compassion

Being a perfectionist means you’re familiar with the inner voice that can be pretty mean and critical most of the time. I am a psychologist who helps people overcome the negative impact of these critical voices and learn how to shift the inner voice into a more compassionate one. I share my personal journey with my own inner critic and how I have worked to overcome perfectionism in my life. Read more about how you can un-do the habits of perfectionism and how to be nicer to yourself.

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